Stokesia laevis 'Riptide' CPBRAF PP36168


Common Name: Stoke's Aster

This new series of Stoke's Aster will have North American wildflower enthusiasts TOTALLY STOKED™! Members of this series are moderately sized with dense habits. Good basal branching creates numerous flowers from early to late summer, completely covering the plant. Foliage is a rich dark green. These selections are from the North Carolina State University hybridizing program and are proven to thrive in the heat and humidity of southern summers.

2½-3" flowers are periwinkle blue.

Stokesia is a native North American wildflower. It has been grown for many years for its beautiful flowers and ease of culture. Because of its heat tolerance, it is widely grown in the south. Blooming from midsummer to early fall (if deadheaded), it is a tremendous accent to yellow, pink, or white mums and other late bloomers.

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