Epimedium 'Jester's Hat' PPAF

Common Name: Barrenwort

A perennial that will have your shade garden jumping and dancing for joy! 'Jester's Hat' has bright golden yellow flowers with red coloration on the sepals. Medium green leaves take on a burgundy cast in cooler temperatures. Compared with 'Dream Catcher', the flowers of 'Jester's Hat' are predominantly yellow with red coloring only on the top of the sepal. 'Jesters' Hat' improves on traditional varieties with large flowers and exceptionally long flower stems, producing blooms for many weeks in spring.

Epimedium are one of the few plants capable of surviving in dry shade. Although slow to establish, mature plants will not be missed in the landscape, particularly when in flower. These plants are appreciated for their durability and critter resistance, but loved for the long sprays of jester hat-like flowers in spring.

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