Allium 'Bobblehead' CPBRAF PPAF

Common Name: Ornamental Onion

If you've enjoyed the ease and beauty of A. 'Serendipity', then 'Bobblehead' is the next perennial you will want to check out! 'Bobblehead' supersizes 'Serendipity' as a much larger, robust plant, with bigger blooms, an earlier bloom time, and a lighter flower color. Globe-like 3-3½" pale lilac flowers appear in midsummer; persisting for many weeks before leaving behind perfectly spherical seedheads. Foliage is glaucous blue-green with a twist to each individual leaf. If the foliage is bruised or the clump cut into, the plant will give off a strong onion smell - translating into high deer and rabbit resistance. 'Bobblehead' has good heat and drought tolerance and is capable of surviving in a wide variety of soils. Site in sunny spaces with good drainage for the best results!

Alliums are charming plants for the rock or herb garden. When the foliage is bruised, it smells like onions since they are in the onion family. Butterflies and honeybees adore the flowers' sweet nectar but deer and rabbits steer clear of this perennial beauty.

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