Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Late winter to spring
7-9 weeks
Premium 1 Gallon Pot
When to Plant:
Late summer
8-10 weeks
Growing Temperature:
Rooting out: 62-68° F
Growing: 65-72° F
Holding Temperature:
50° F outdoors
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.5-2.5 pour through method
Monarda are moderate feeders and perform best using a constant liquid fertilization program at 75-100 ppm or higher rates of 150-200 ppm as needed.
Cold beneficial, provide 9 weeks of cold for consistent flowering.
Pests & Diseases:
Aphids, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies.
Cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew, Rhizoctonia crown rot, and rust.
Spacing and good air circulation is helpful against some diseases such as powdery mildew. Hand watering is also recommended so the foliage is less likely to get wet often.
Potting & Timing:
For best results plant monarda during the summer months, bulk up and sell the following spring.
Performs best in moist, well-drained soil. Don't allow the soil to dry out.
Planting Level:
Plant crowns at soil level or just below.
Pinch 2 weeks after transplanting to promote branching.
If height control is necessary, spray applications using a tank mixture of daminozide (B-Nine, Dazide) at 2,000 ppm and uniconazole (Concise, Sumagic) at 3 ppm will provide adequate control.
Requires long days for flowering. Grow under high light levels.