Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Spring to late spring
9-11 weeks
Only Asclepias tuberosa and A. tuberosa 'Hello Yellow' are offered in this size.
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Late summer to early fall
8-10 weeks
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Spring to late spring
8-10 weeks
Grower Tips:
Provide high light. Asclepias tuberosa prefers a drier growing environment, while Asclepias incarnata prefers average to wet conditions.
Growing Temperature:
60-65° F
Holding Temperature:
50-60° F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.5-2.5 pour through method
Fertilize at 75-100 ppm N at each watering.
For Controlled Release or Slow Release Fertilizer, see your preferred supplier for recommended rates for incorporation or top dressing, as it varies by fertilizer.
6-9 weeks of temperatures below 40° F are recommended to produce a quality flowering plant.
Pests & Diseases:
Crown and root rot (Sclerotium), web blight and root rot (Rhizoctonia), leaf spots (Phyllosticta), rust (Puccinia), Cucumber Mosaic virus (CMV). Thrips are the main insect pest, Oleander aphids can also be a problem on Asclepias spp.
Potting & Timing:
Asclepias has a taproot which can be trimmed to fit the container when planting from bare root.
Asclepias tuberosa and A. tuberosa 'Hello Yellow' - For bare root after an initial watering in, keep dry until plants break dormancy, then water evenly. Established plants should be watered moderately, then allowed to dry slightly between waterings.
Asclepias incarnata prefers higher moisture levels, and should be grown in average to wet conditions.
Planting Level:
Plant 'high' so crown protrudes above soil line for bare root, plug even with the soil line.
Plants can be sheared to promote lateral branching.
Asclepias requires long days (14 hours) to break dormancy.
Other Comments:
In the garden, Asclepias is very slow to break dormancy.