Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
6-8 weeks
Growing Temperature:
65-70° F
Holding Temperature:
50-60° F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
2.0-3.0 pour through method
Moderate feed with 75-125 ppm N at each watering.
For Controlled Release or Slow Release Fertilizer, see your preferred supplier for recommended rates for incorporation or top dressing, as it varies by fertilizer.
Provide 8-10 weeks of temperature below 45° F for best flower display.
Pests & Diseases:
Avoid overwatering as this may lead to crown and root rot.
Potting & Timing:
Plant small plugs in quarts or trade 1 gallon containers in spring or large plugs in premium 1 gallon containers for a quick turn crop.
Shallow pots can be used for this groundcover type plant.
Moderate moisture while establishing. You can allow Delosperma to dry down slighlty once established.
Avoid excessive moisture.
Planting Level:
Top of plug level with soil line.
Long days promote flowering. High light levels are required. Flowers open and close with the amount of sunlight they receive.