Premium 1 Gallon Pot
When to Plant:
Late spring to mid summer
8-10 weeks
Best to bulk all summer for a full container the following spring.
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Late spring to summer
10-12 weeks; can also be finished into a Premium 1 Gallon Container in 16-20 weeks.
Best to bulk all summer for a full container the following spring.
Premium 1 Gallon Pot
When to Plant:
Late spring to summer
6-8 weeks
Best to bulk all summer for sales the following spring.
Growing Temperature:
60° F, keep above freezing.
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.5-2.0 pour through method
Hostas will benefit from a light application of liquid fertilizer (20-10-20 with 50 ppm nitrogen) in early spring. Since it is critical to keep all granular fertilizers far from plant crowns to avoid injury, liquid feed is safest. Alternatively, a top-dressing of slow release fertilizer may be used. Roots may rot if too much fertilizer is applied. In the fall, only a light application (if any) is necessary. Apply very little nitrogen in the fall to allow plants to go dormant.
Required for 10-12 weeks at temperatures below 40° F.
Pests & Diseases:
Aphids are particularly fond of the new growth. If they feed excessively, the leaves may appear disfigured when they unfurl. Applications of Rycar, Endeavor and BotaniGard are effective at preventing aphids. Applications of Avid, Floramite, Sultan and predatory mites are effective on some varieties of hostas which are susceptible to spider mites. Mainspring, Conserve, Orius and predatory mites are effective against thrips. Slugs tend to seek out hostas. Good greenhouse sanitation before potting is the best way to prevent a slug outbreak. Mice and voles also enjoy a tasty meal of hosta roots and crowns. Prevent rodent problems by using bait or traps.
Potting & Timing:
Potting soil should be a well-drained, bark-based, soilless mix. Use a pot that corresponds with the size of the roots. Giving roots the space they need will allow plants to reach their optimum size and quality. When transplanting, it is best to spread or fan out the roots since this tends to encourage new growth. When transplanting in spring, keep hostas at 50° F for the first two weeks to promote root growth. Minimum temperatures may then be lowered to 40° F.
The best root development occurs when plants are allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. It is best to water early in the morning. As with all plants, it is important not to over-feed or over-water. Keep soil moist early in the growing season, but do not overwater. Later in the season, allow soil to dry out between waterings. Dormant hosta require very little water. Severe or prolonged dry conditions, on the other hand, may force hostas into dormancy and can reduce plant size the following year.
Planting Level:
Growing points or 'eyes' should be at or just below the soil surface.
Providing adequate space is the best method to achieve nicely shaped hostas without stretching. If adequate space is not available and/or pgr is needed, Daminozide (B-Nine) 2500 ppm or Uniconazole (Sumagic) 5 ppm sprays are effective at reducing petiole stretch. Apply when leaves begin to unfurl, 2-3 successive applications can be made every 7 days if needed. A one-time 1 ppm Uniconazole drench can also be applied in place of sprays, after the first few leaves have expanded.
Long days encourage new foliage growth and root growth. Container-grown hostas are more susceptible to sunscald than those growing in the ground, due to higher root zone temperatures and larger swings in moisture levels. Growing containers under a 30%-50% shade cloth is recommended to prevent sunscald. The threshold for light is around 4,000 foot candles to minimize sunscald, so checking with a light meter can help to make sure your shade cloth is reducing the light to around this level.
Other Comments:
Overwintering Information
Potted hosta can be overwintered in the same manner as most other potted perennials. After applying a fungicide drench, we suggest using the following overwintering procedures based on our experience in Midwest climate: