Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Late summer or spring - summer
8-10 weeks
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Spring through summer
10-12 weeks
Best planted in summer for sales the following spring.
Growing Temperature:
70° F days
65° F nights
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.75-2.25 pour through method
Hakonechloa are light to moderate feeders. Constant liquid feeding can be done at rates of 50-100 ppm Nitrogen, using 150-200 ppm Nitrogen as needed.
Not required.
Pests & Diseases:
Spider mites.
Leaf spots may develop if plants receive too high of light exposure.
Crown and root rots can be problematic if plants are kept too wet.
Potting & Timing:
Warm season grass. Plant only in temperatures of 65° F or warmer.
Maintain even moisture levels and allow the soil to dry only slightly between irrigations. Hakonechloa are slow to root so careful water management is very important until they become established.
Prevent overly wet conditions from occuring. Maintain even moisture levels and allow the soil to dry only slightly between irrigations.
Planting Level:
Crown at soil line, avoid planting too deep.
Slow growing, PGRs are not needed.
Provide light to moderate shade during the growing season.
Other Comments:
Moderate light requirements will bring out the best characteristics. Light levels of 4,000-5,000 foot candles is recommended.
Grower Tips:
The best looking plants are achieved by planting small plugs in summer for sales the following spring.