Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Late winter to late spring
6-8 weeks
Growing Temperature:
60° F or greater
Holding Temperature:
50° F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.1-1.5 pour through method
Apply a constant liquid feed of 75-100 ppm N at each watering.
Cold beneficial 7-10 weeks.
Pests & Diseases:
Aphids, fungus gnat larvae (in greenhouse), plant bugs, leafhopper, red-banded leafroller (Argyrotaenia), wireworms, southern root-knot nematode, slugs, snails, thrips, two-spotted spider mites.
Botrytis blight, damping-off (Pythium), root rots, rust (Puccinia), smut (Entyloma), crown rot, leaf spots, viruses.
Potting & Timing:
Plugs can be potted in spring.
For potting soil use commercial planting media.
Moist soil is essential, but do not allow standing water.
Water thoroughly and allow to dry slightly between waterings.
Planting Level:
At soil line.
5 ppm Sumagic, 25 ppm A-Rest or 2,500 ppm B-Nine. It may be necessary to make 2-3 applications at seven-day intervals.
Lobelia are day neutral plants but can flower 2 weeks earlier if grown under long days.
Grower Tips:
It is recommended to drench the crop with Banrot at transplant.