Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Early spring to late spring
6-8 weeks
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Mid to late summer or early spring to early summer
6-8 weeks (summer) 8-10 weeks (spring)
Premium 1 Gallon Pot
When to Plant:
Early spring to late spring
6-8 weeks
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Early spring to late spring
6-8 weeks
Growing Temperature:
65-75° F
Holding Temperature:
50-60° F
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
1.5-2.0 pour through method
Apply a constant feed of 50-100 ppm N from a balanced fertilizer. Avoid high nitrogen levels as plants will become floppy with weak stems and more prone to disease.
For Controlled Release or Slow Release Fertilizer, see your preferred supplier for recommended rates for incorporation or top dressing, as it varies by fertilizer.
Not required for flowers.
Pests & Diseases:
Root knot nematodes, aphids, plant bugs, spotted cucumber beetle, leafminer, western flower thrips, aster leafhopper, chrysomela leaf beetle (Calligrapha).
Rot (Sclerotium, Alternaria, Rhizoctonia), Botrytis blight, bacterial blight (Pseudomonas), viruses, aster yellows, Verticillium wilt, leaf spots, powdery mildew, rust, scab (Cladosporium).
Potting & Timing:
Root Trimming: Bare root may be trimmed to fit container.
If you are unable to provide heat and day length, plants will remain dormant until the environmental conditions prompt them to break.
While they are dormant, be sure to keep them on the dry side. Water in well when first planted.
Planting Level:
At crown level.
Apply B-nine at 2500 ppm or Sumagic at 5 ppm as a spray.
This can be applied a week after pinching.
It is recommended to pinch coreopsis planted from plugs 1-2 times to promote lateral branching. This also controls the overall height of the plant.
Provide day lengths of 14 to 16 hours for flowering.
Grow in direct sunlight.