Premium 1 Gallon Pot
When to Plant:
Summer - late summer or spring
7-9 weeks
Save finished 1 gallon plants to step up into 3-5 gallon containers in the fall. This will yield large plants for the following season.
Trade 1 Gallon Container
When to Plant:
Early to mid summer
12-14 weeks
Save finished 1 gallon plants to step up into 3-5 gallon containers in the fall. This will yield large plants for the following season.
Growing Temperature:
Rooting out: 65-72° F,
Growing: 65-75° F
Holding Temperature:
50-60° F outdoors
Soil PH:
EC (What is EC?):
2.5-3.5 pour through method
Heavy feeders, apply 150-200ppm constant liquid feed.
8-12 weeks of cold is required for flowers.
Pests & Diseases:
Although not typically problematic, keep an eye out for crown rot, leaf spots, and rust.
Potting & Timing:
Plants should be planted under warm temperatures and long days for good root establishment.
Moderate to moist.
Planting Level:
Plant plug level with soil line.
No pinching or growth regulators are necessary if grown outdoors. If growing in a greenhouse, plants can be trimmed during production to increase fullness and decrease height, but no more than 1/2 of the height should be trimmed off.
Long days required for growth.
Other Comments:
'Cheyenne Sky' and other Panicums with deep red coloration typically need direct sunlight to develop the best foliage color.
Grower Tips:
Warm season grasses such as Panicum are best grown in summer of the year prior to sales for best results.